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"An Enigma of Political Regalia” - ONIBA Celebrates Ojelabi at 65

Let us stand united in congratulating and commending a leader whose impact reaches far beyond the realm of politics. Happy birthday, Mr. Cornelius Ojelabi

Today, we come together to celebrate a man whose political journey has been nothing short of extraordinary. With great joy, we commemorate Mr. Cornelius Ojelabi, the Chairman of the All Progressives Congress (APC) in Lagos State, on the occasion of his birthday. 

In the intricate tapestry of politics, Mr. Ojelabi stands as an enigma - a figure who has skillfully woven his influence into the fabric of Lagos State's political landscape. As the Oniba of Iba Kingdom, I take immense pride in celebrating a man who embodies the essence of leadership, a man whose journey resonates with the very spirit of our kingdom.

Mr. Ojelabi's political regalia isn't just an emblem of power; it's a testament to his commitment and perseverance. His tenure as Chairman of the APC in Lagos State has been marked by remarkable accomplishments, bringing together diverse voices under a common banner of progress. His ability to navigate the complexities of politics while remaining steadfast in his principles is truly awe-inspiring.

This celebration isn't just about a birthday; it's about honoring a legacy of service and dedication. Through his leadership, Mr. Ojelabi has elevated our community, fostering an environment where collective aspirations can thrive. His work has not only propelled the APC forward but has also elevated the voices of those who yearn for positive change.

May this celebration serve as a reminder that politics, when driven by integrity and purpose, can be a force for transformative change.

With heartfelt regards,

Oba(Dr.) Sulaiman Adeshina Raji

Oniba of Iba Kingdom

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