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Suya Can Give You Cancer - Aproko Doctor

People should avoid suya, according to Nigerian physician Chinonso Egemba nicknamed Aproko Doctor. 

Suya, he claims, is cancer-causing. 

When the meat is roasted, the doctor explains that the procedure and utensils used in producing the snack are unsanitary and harmful to one's health. 

He discussed how and why the damages occur using complicated medical jargon. 

He also offered suggestions for different ways to prepare meat.

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He tweeted: “I know you think I’m here to remove the last piece of joy in your life but there is no easy way to do this. Suya can give you cancer.

“When you burn meat over open flames, it creates chemicals known as polycyclic, aromatic, hydrocarbons or heterocyclic imines. These particular compounds may get activated by certain enzymes in your body that ends up damaging your DNA. Damage to this DNA- cancer. 

On safer ways to eat meat, he said: “Ensure that your meat is not cooked over open flames. You can air fry your met, or grill it in the oven when it is not over open flames.”

“Remove the burnt side of the meat because they are exposed. They contain higher concentration of these compounds. Eat smaller portions of grilled meat.”

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